What do I do

Last November my gyno gave me a free two month supply of a BC pill. I was sure I was going to have a job by the time the second one was almost gone, but I didn't so I just didn't get anymore. Since I'm in a long distance relationship and we couldn't see each other due to Covid it wasn't much of a big deal.

Now I need to get back on the pill (still jobless unfortunately) and I'm wondering would I have better chances at getting BC if I asked my super sweet gyno for another free two months or going to planned parenthood? I'm kinda scared to go to PP since it's not in the best part of town and protestors and all that tbh.

Edit: More than likely she'll remember that I asked for and got some free ones last year so how do I go about asking again without completely embarrassing myself?? Idk if she will or can, but Im still going to ask, just don't know how