Sexual Assault?

It was the beginning of the school year (8th grade) and I was sitting in the back of the bus. There was this boy that sat next to me a started touching my thigh. I told him to stop and he didn’t . Next he started to touch my vagina and then I freaked out and moved his hand away. He kept trying to get my number and asking me my body count ( 🤮 ) his friend was just laughing and they just thought it was funny but I felt violated. A couple of days before that he and his friend were harassing me and asking for my number and Instagram and things like that. I felt so disgusted. I’ve never told anyone this except my best friend. No adults know about this and they never found out. My bus stop ended up changing buses so I was fine after that. I don’t know if it would be sexual assault or not.


I’m scared to bring it up because I haven’t seen this boy since it happened and I don’t wanna make it a big thing all over again. I’m starting 9th grade this year and I might see him again but I just haven’t seen him and I hope to not see him.