Need supplement help - TTC!!!


So I want to go ALL OUT this month trying. I don't have time to read all the books and at 43, every month is SUPER important to maximize my chances that will be gone sooner than later. I NEED HELP!

I read about maca root (like natural clomid), evening primrose oil (promoting fertile cervical mucus which has declined for me), and CoQ10 (to improve egg quality). How much do I take, how often, and when do I start and end each? (It's cycle day 6 for me. Period ended yesterday. My average cycle is 27 days, but can be 26-30. Very regular overall - Glow usually predicts on target. Last two cycles I did Digital ovulation kits. Last cycle showed High fertility on cycle day 9-11, with Peak on 12, and was 29 day cycle total. Cycle before that was High fertility on 11-14, with Peak on day 15, and was 30 days cycle total.)

(Background: I have had fertility testing done and all was good on my end. We conceived our first child almost 9 years ago. Dr.suspects husband has low sperm count but haven't done the analysis or could just be unexplained infertility. Our schedules used to be opposite but job change a few months ago has allowed for a ton of regular sex now. I've tried pre-seed (though I recently read I should switch to baby dance lube), mucinex, vitamin D, prenatal, and my husband started taking a fertility supplement last month to support sperm health.)