Feel torn and scared

Yesterday was a big day for us we were hoping to hear a heart beat. According to my app I’m 6 weeks I went in with every positive thought and high hope, I have been feeling great.

Last week my ultrasound measure 6mm but no heart beat, so my doc advised to come back assuming it was too soon.

This visit took a turn for the unimaginable, no heart beat still, now my embryo split and the dr told me he see Siamese twins, after he explained I broke I was freaked and could not even imagine the heartache I would have to see or experience.

He advised me to keep on with my meds  heparin, progesterone, baby aspirin for one more week to see if some heart beats came up.

I am so torn and feel so guilty to want to give up or even  pursue with hope. It’s like I’m damn If I, I’m damn if I don’t.

At this moment I am numb and don’t know if I should keep on.

I am googling like crazy for similar  testimonies searching for a little hope, instead I am freaking out with images.

Has anyone read any positive articles like the embryo healing it self or vanishing twin.

Or has any experience this ?