Need help and opinions


So here’s my story, 2 weeks ago I had bad chest pain when I breathed in and short of breath. Went too er. D dimer tested high so they said I need a chest ct. I said there is possibility I could be pregnant. So they apparently did a test which was negative.... fast forward too yesterday. I’ve got a blazing positive I’m pregnant. I am terrified the ct has damaged this baby to the point they will have cancer or developmental issues. My doctor is pushing for me too have an abortion but I don’t know if I can. Has anyone had this happen and had a healthy baby?? I have a daughter and I can’t think too abort this poor baby but if there is something wrong is it cruel for me making it live then potentially it getting cancer and suffer ? Help me please I am struggling mentally with this. When I had the ct I would of just been pregnant but I heard that is worse for a embryo.