Husband Rant

My LO had a fever of 102.3 last night(around 9), was super tired and congested with a non-stop runny nose- we had just run out of Tylenol so I asked my SO to quick run to the store and see if he could find some. Told him I was going to call the after-hours pediatrician line to see if they wanted us to go to the hospital or just start Tylenol and recheck temp through the night.

-My SO stopped getting dressed and basically told me I'm an idiot for calling because if theu think he needs a covid-19 test then we will both be off work again for awhile (we are both essential workers bit we did have to take 2 weeks off when this all started because we took a trip to CA) um- excuse me!? You would rather we just hope for the best and NOT bring our 10month old in because you don't want to stay home!?!? A fever could mean literally ANYTHING but noooooooo let's just hope it's from teething and ignore it 🤬🤬🤬

- I called them after he left. My LO took a cool bath and his temp was still 101.5- they told me to start Tylenol and call with his temp in the AM. Gave Tylenol and rechecked this temp 30 minutes later: down to 100.2. Was up almost all night because the poor guy couldn't stay asleep. Checked his temp every time he woke up and needed a change and it slowly went down.

-Temp this AM was 98.6 but his pediatrician wanted him to go in and get checked for ear/nasal infection and hand/foot/mouth disease. No infection but his temp was 101.3 when we got there 😫 they sent us home with a covid-19 test requisition form JUST IN CASE he still wasn't feeling well by Tuesday or if any other family members became ill. SO freaked- he's not gonna tell his boss that LO is sick, he was mad that I told his Gma (GG and Gma both watch LO during the week). I am still SO pissed off at him I can barely look at the guy.

***We have enough in the bank that even if we didn't get PTO we would be perfectly fine. Plus- my boss already btold me if I needed to stay home I could use my paid sick leave so it's not even an issue.