Right on time!


Went in to see the doctor on the 15th because of concerns about swelling hands and feet as well as itchiness. The doctor suspected cholestasis and because I was only one day away from my due date we decided that we would induce that night. However, we had an ultrasound to see how little man was positioned and found that he was transverse 😥 We were sent to the hospital so we could discuss our options but regardless baby boy would be making his entrance sometime soon. The doctor decided to try a version to get baby boy to turn which had a 50/50 chance of success. I got an epidural so that it wouldn’t hurt too much and that way I would already have meds if we were successful and started inducing labor or had to have a c-section (which I really didn’t want.) The version worked and we induced labor! Honestly not sure how long I was in labor for but it was less than 24 hours. I wasn’t dilated at all and my cervix was closed when we started induction at around 6pm I believe. By 8 the next morning I was dilated to a 6 and my cervix had opened up and softened a ton. I was fully dilated by 12 and started pushing at 12:34pm. Little man made his grand entrance at 1:07pm after only 33 minutes of pushing! I had a minor third degree tear (the actual tear was small but because of where it happened the doctor said it was technically a third degree tear.) Can’t even describe the immediate relief I felt with that last push that pushed him out. It was extremely surreal when the nurse placed him on my chest and I heard his little cry for the first time 🥰 and then he peed on me 😂

Daddy was a bit mortified at what he just witnessed and a bit trepidatious about cutting the cord lol but was very supportive and encouraging throughout everything!

Ares Alexander 💙

7/16/2020 1:07pm

7lb 5.8oz

19 3/4 inches long

He doesn’t cry a lot and is already eating very well with the help of a nipple shield!

I’ve never felt so much love in my life 🥰❤️