Pregnant and Can’t stop crying


I’m 18 weeks and I can’t stop crying. Not like I cry all the time. It’s like once every week or two. But when something makes me cry (a movie, anything), I can’t stop. I get almost calm and then it just starts again. I’m not depressed. Tonight I was dealing with my 3 year old who was tired and upset bc he wanted a baby toy that I have organized in baskets for the new baby. He doesn’t know we’re having another baby and wants the baby stuff because we’ve told him he can’t have them. He got so upset and was crying and I was starting to feel guilty and sad. And then he hit me (he’s 3). Well I just burst into tears and couldn’t stop. I had to have his dad take over so I could come upstairs and cry without freaking out my son. He’s hit me lots of times (not hard) and I’ve obviously dealt with countless big feelings and tears without getting emotional. I’m sure this is just pregnancy hormones but it feels a bit like I’m losing my mind!