Cramps when I stand

Jessica • 02/20/21💕Hazel👶🏻

I’m 9w&5days and I’ve noticed over the past couple day’s I get really bad cramps when I stand for more than a couple seconds. Is this normal or is it something to worry about? I haven’t had any doctors appointment yet so I’ll obviously mention it when I get one but. I just wanna know if anyone on here knows what it could possibly be or if it is completely normal. When I sit / lay down I’m fine but then when I stand up (even if it’s just for a literal minute) I start getting really bad cramps and I’m kinda worried it’s something bad. I should probably add in here that I’m only 16 and Ik teen pregnancy comes with a lot of risks. Someone please try and help

Edit: I’ve been to that bathroom a couple times today to poop n stuff (kinda tmi sorry) and I get really bad cramps when I sit on the toilet too. But if I sit in a chair or bed or on the couch I’m fine 🤷‍♀️ Also, none of it is accompanied by spotting or anything like that. It’s just cramps