Hoping for a Sweep! UPDATE

Taylor • Girl Momma to 3 Princesses! 💕 Homestead Wife

Doctors appointment in 2 hours! Been having contractions for days but nothing consistent or painful enough to go to hospital! Last appointment at 38+4 I was still high and closed but soft! Seriously hoping for some Change today...

I’m 40+2 and over being pregnant. Plus I desperately want to avoid induction if I can! It’s booked for Sunday the 26 which is 8 days past my due date !

Fingers crossed I can get a sweep and hopefully it’ll help bring some consistent contractions on! I just want her here so bad !

UPDATE: More contractions getting painful and I was 0.5cm and so the doctor stretched me to a 1cm and did a sweep! It hurt like hell but heres hoping it works! ❤️