Be nice to me please ☺️

My husband and I’s relationship is not in its best by any means but it’s also not at its worst. I just feel like it could be so much better and I want more sex. I’ve always had a high libido. That being said, with feeling so distant with him I have felt myself wanting something more and daydreaming about other people. And on top of that, I have been fantasizing about a girl which is new to me. I thought maybe i was bi in jr high but grew up strictly lds and suppressed that because it was inherently “wrong” until recently. Idk if I’m looking for advice but when i try to talk to him he doesn’t seem to care. I feel like he’s so set in our relationship he feels like he doesn’t have to try anymore and i want someone who wants me again. And on top of that my bisexual feelings are showing through which is also a lot. Maybe just encouraging words or any advice would be nice but i think I’m just trying to open up a little. And i would never cheat on my husband. Just clear that up before hand.