Working during the pandemic

Okay guys . So I’m 20 years about about to be 21 . I am a college student and I am pregnant .

I am currently not working but I used to work at Walmart last fall .

My boyfriend has a stable job at a hotel but it is closed rn due to covid 19 and renovations. He’s 23 by the way.

We are expecting our first child, a baby girl, this November and we’re hella excited. The problem is there is no stable income coming in and I have plans for our future. My boyfriend has a car and has been getting 800.00 employment every week however that is coming to an end this month not including what he has saved up in his bank account. Me on the other hand , I dont have much. I love being independent and I want my own money that I could spend on our daughter and save for my own car . I also want to save at least 5-10 thousand for when we move into our apartment fall 2021 .

I am really itching to go back to work at Walmart and save my money . To me it was good money . I made 3,000 in 2 months . That’s a lot from where I come from (New Orleans) and it was a lot from what I’m used to (minimum wage)

The thing is there’s a pandemic and my mom, bf , and friend thinks I should wait until after the baby to go back to work (the beginning of Next year) . I feel that’s too long to wait and I don’t want to depend on ANYONE financially. We won’t have to but I don’t want to constantly ask my boyfriend or have him pay for things . Plus there’s things I want to buy for my daughter on my own .

My question is , what do you guys think ? Should I go back to work now or should I wait ?

Btw masks are mandatory in my state and I won’t be working cashier

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