HSG and first round of clomid...anyone have luck?

Lisa • 32. Married to high school sweetheart ♥️ Nurse, equestrian 🐴 TTCbaby #1! First round of clomid ✅ July 2020-🤞🏻🤞🏻

I just got my HSG done today (dye test where they go in vaginally to see cervix and Fallopian tubes) all textbook perfect, as were all my other tests. Husbands count and motility were slightly low, so we are calling this male factor infertility.

I asked my doc for Clomid just to give my ovulation a boost (I don’t have pcos), so I’m asking has anyone had luck after the HsG and with clomid? The doc said “go home and get pregnant” lol, they said youre the most fertile right after the HSG. I’m on day 2 of clomid tonight! Just hoping this is our month.