Shoulder dystocia


UPDATE: talked to my midwife who delivered my first son... she’s concerned with my fluids being low so I have an appointment next Tuesday at 39 weeks and if they’re still low, I will be sent to be induced!

Any mamas on here had births and their child(ren) has shoulder dystocia? My first was induced at 41 weeks weighing 8.6 22inch. I pushed for two hours, he had a minor case of it thank god but was still very scary. Due with my second on the 3rd... ive had three midwives tell me they would induce me if this one was bigger. But they won’t give another ultrasound so I demanded one today and low & be hold he’s 7.12 at 38 weeks and my fluids are on the lower side. They were with my first also. The tech gave the results to the doctor and she didn’t seem concerned at all. I want to call tomorrow and get a second opinion (they were closing today at the end of my appointment or I would of asked then). Am I being dramatic? I really don’t want the same thing happening with this baby that happened with my first.