stress, under eating, and pregnancy


ive been so stressed these last couple weeks. our landlord told us we have until the end of august to get our stuff and go. why? bc he wants the house back to give to his daughter. our contract doesn’t end till February. so now my partner, his mom, sisters and i are struggling to find a place on short notice. on top of that we have two big dogs so its making it even more impossible to find a place. i’m hormonal and emotional anda idk what to do. my parents said my partner and i could go and live w them and save up some money until we find a place of our own but my brother is still living w them and we’d feel cramped w him and his 3 kids (did i mention he’s a 35yo still living off of mommy and daddy?) i’m trying not to stress myself out too much but i can’t help but worry that things aren’t gonna be okay and that my baby girl will come and we’re gonna be struggling still. my anxiety has been so bad and i constantly want to break down and idk how to tell my partner that im not okay.