
I want to preface this by saying please be kind I know this may sound weird and maybe even stupid but I'm honestly curious. When I had my daughter we really struggled with breastfeeding, she was a great eater but she had a small mouth and well I don't have small nipples so anatomically we just struggled alot I also suffered pretty severe post partum depression so at around 2 1/2 months we gave up on breastfeeding and started pumping and bottle feeding but about a month after that I became so overwhelmed with pumping and feeding (I was constantly feeding her cleaning bottles then pumping and sterilizing parts all the while getting less and less milk everyday) so we switched to formula and ever since I've been dealing with some serious guilt around not breastfeeding like I just gave up on her. Shes now 10 months old and I really wish I could breast feed her as shes going to be my only child and I really wish we had that bonding experience. I know it sounds ridiculous but would there be anyway for me to relactate at this point? Or is it just to late? And would she even get any benefits from breastmilk at this point?