Ultrasound 5 weeks? Miscarriage?


According to when I ovulated I should be 5wks and 6 days pregnant.

I’ve gotten very bright positives on my home test.

Had light cramps all during The night and light brown spotting this morning. I called my ob and asked for hcg blood work. They said to come in for ultrasound.

Sooo apparently my urine pregnancy test was only lightly positive?!?!

The ultrasound...my lining is thick. What they see MIGHT be a gestational sac but they can’t call it that for sure and measure it. What the heckkkk?! 😭😭😭😭

Got blood work done for hcg and progesterone. They’ll call me tomorrow.

They did exam. Saw light brown blood on the outside. They aren’t too concerned since it’s not heavier and my cramping isn’t that bad.

Could it be a miscarriage. Yes. Could it be somehow just still really early. Yes

Has anyone else gone through this. This will be my second baby. The first one was smooth sailing, no spotting ever just tons of morning sickness and puking. Which I have had none of!