5 weeks just a gestational sac, no yolk.


I went to my first appointment yesterday. They wanted me to come early due to me losing my baby at 8 weeks and 5 days and having to get a D&C back in January. I went to my first appointment, because according to my last period I was supposed to be 6 weeks and 5 days. My ultrasound showed I was only 5 weeks. There was no yolk sac or fetal pole, just a gestational sac. It worried me, but they said they think I ovulated late and that’s why I’m only showing 5 weeks. They took my levels and called me today saying it matched up with ultrasound that I was indeed only 5 weeks pregnant. I have to go back tomorrow and do more tests to see if my levels are going up properly. I also have another ultrasound on August 7th. Has anyone else had a similar situation?