Weight loss journey


I have started a weight loss journey way before covid I have not given up. I have had my ups and downs with covid meaning falling out of my path but getting back on it. I

have lost about 40 pounds my goal is to reach 200 by the end of this year. I always tried to wear loose clothing and buy new one to feel better until I finally reach rock bottom my energy levels where on the floor and I didn’t want to do anything but eat. My son really was sad bc I could not spend time with him. I finally decided to take action and this permanently. I have pcos and thyroid, I have been told that my body want to gain and maintain an unhealthy body but I decided to go against and finally make a change. This November will be a year of my journey. I want to be at about 200. I can tell you my energy levels have improved I fee a bit mor confident in my body but I have not reached my goal. I want to be in a better body by my 30th b-day w/ is feb of next year. I encourage all those woman who are struggling to move forward it ain’t easy but it’s worth it. Don’t get me wrong I respect everyone but I personally didn’t feel good and I wanted to be a better version of myself. Love yourself!