Daily weed smoker (for mental health)... now pregnant


Hi everyone,

So after doing some research today I am very scared about smoking while pregnant! I am 9w5d today. I have been smoking on the daily for the past 15 years. Basically go/went through 1 - 1 1/2 Ozs of weed a month by myself. The research I saw said I am 2.5 times more likely to have a still birth baby because I smoke weed. I do it for my mental health, nausea and to help me get hungry so I can eat without feeling sick. My mom and a few of my friends smoked durning all their pregnancies and all their children turned out perfectly healthy and super smart! I have started cutting back on my daily smokage but If I could get some in sites, thoughts, suggestions, etc. on smoking while pregnant I would greatly appreciate it!

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