So happy for a group I relate to 💕

Melissa • Married ❤️ TTC

Hey ladies!!!

I’m happy there’s a group for us, but I’m so sorry you’ve all experienced the same.

So my story:

After 3 years TTC, I got my first BFP! My husband and I were obviously over the moon. I went to the dr to confirm, and since my periods were so irregular they went ahead and did a ultrasound. They didn’t see it abdominally, so they wanted to wait a week and try again. I started cramping and spotting a lot during that week. I went to the ER (at the hospital I work at 🙄) and they suspected ectopic. We did a vaginal ultrasound and confirmed. The OB gave me a shot of methotrexate and sent me on my way. After a week, my hcg was still doubling. They tried a second shot of methotrexate and finally it started to go down. I work in the OR and I passed out during a surgery. I went home, and the next day I woke up in the worst pain I’ve ever experienced. After sitting 6 hours in the ER, they took me to emergency surgery because the tube ruptured 🙃.

BUT I just had a HSG done and my right tube is clear!

Praying for all you beautiful ladies 💕