
I missed my period got positive tests. I was around 5 half weeks when I started to bleed, im still bleeding now, this will be the 6th day. Was heavy day 1/2 with clots n lightened up still dark in colour but light flow also had cramps the day the bleeding started.

Sooo my pregnancy symptoms disappeared, when bleeding started. But on the 4th day of bleeding symptoms started to come back, which is sensitive nipples like if I hit them they are really sore. (I never get sensitive nipples and didn't have them before I started to bleed). I rang doctor on day 1 off the bleeding they said sounds like a misscarriage. But didn't ask me to come down to confirm it was a misscarriage, said to take a test in 2 weeks & let them know what it says.

Anyways does anyone no what's happening iv heard people bleed while pregnant? Im just confused because of the sensitive nipples, if they didn't come I would have just settled with that it's a chemical pregnancy. Please help me out❤


I just tested today 10 days past from bleeding started and im still getting a clear positive? Could I still be pregnant?