Diabetes and pregnancy ADVICE PLEASE


My 1st child I had GD diagnosed at 28 weeks and I weighed 240 full term. My sugar was controlled by diet alone. I had a healthy baby at 39 weeks.

My 2nd baby I had GD diagnosed at 15 weeks and I weighed 260 full term. I was put on insulin and I had to keep adjusting my numbers because my sugar was not controlled during the last 10 weeks of pregnancy. I had a healthy baby at 37 weeks c-section.

Now, I am ready for another and probably my last. I am very concerned that my gestational diabetes will be too hard to control. What do they do with women like me? Do they give you insulin right away? Do they give you insulin paired with another medication to control your sugar? What if my body starts rejecting the insulin before 30 weeks?

Please know that I was NOT going crazy eating carbs all day with my second. This is a real question I have. I see my OB on 9/2, so I wanted to hear from real women before then.
