Just lost for words

With a newborn in the house, my mom here to help us out from another state, my husband is never around as he feels he doesn’t need to be and his “role” is to just work. As I laid in bed last night with concerns for my marriage I asked my husband if I could talk to him about somethings that’s been bothering me and he tells me “fuck off it’s bedtime I don’t care what’s bothering you” yet he just finished telling me how his day was and I listened. Today he continued talking about himself and I said to him again I needed to talk to him and he tells me don’t bother me when I get home cunt I’ve been working all day. Of course I raged texted him my concerns and when he got home he threw his ring at me told me to get out and take my kids with me. My mom present during all of this. I’m beyond lost for words and embarrassed this isn’t a marriage not the marriage I dreamt of