Dear Mr. Soulmate

I love you and I think I always have. Since the moment I saw you floating through the halls at school I knew you were the one. We dated for 7 months before I messed it all up and since then it hasn't been the same. I've been working on myself since then and I know you'd be proud of my progress, you were always adamant about me getting better. Maybe messing things up with you is the final push I needed to get myself help but it still hurts. I'm sorry I messed things up and I wish I still had you but I know you're probably doing better now. I miss you. It's been 3 months and it still feels like a vital piece of me is missing...I wish there were a way to explain this all to you and get you back. But I lost my chance with you. You're the best thing that could've happened to me and I pushed you away because I was scared of loving you. I'm no longer scared, I just want the love of my life back. I love you, forever and always.