Help, please READ. need ADVICE

I have two kids. One is 8. One is 1. The 8 year old feels like youre babysitting a 4 year old. He doesn’t listen. In the most simple way possible, He is very hard to deal with . He’s very lazy. He goes from one thing to the next. He has ADHD. & anger issues. We still can’t find out where it all came from, my husband and I try our best to give them the best life we never had. For an example, he PEED on my other sons bath tub. And through out the day he loves his brother and plays with him. We make sure he has no reason to be jealous. This week he STOLE my marriage ring and threw it out the window while I was driving and told me later on he doesn’t know why he touched it. He also took my prescribed ointment and squeezed it out in front of me and said he didn’t know why. He will not clean his room without crying his eyes out. He has rules and structure. He won’t get use to them. I had another baby last year. Which was planned but feels unplanned. I love him so much BUT I am at a point where I don’t have ONE babysitter. I’m going NUTS. I have so many other things going on that I feel I can’t enjoy the baby stages because life is too stressful right now. I was working fulltime for awhile until March 17th I got laid off due to covid 19 & my mom was babysitting & I paid her. She complained & didn’t really want to do it. She just did it bc I paid her. She has now moved out of state last month & split with my dad. Neither of them can help me babysit. I don’t have money for daycare. My husband works alll day but he has a low paying job & he’s trying but it’s just not enough. I need a job. I need some ME time. I need a night alone. Yes my husband will take them at night BUT I want some alone time with him at least once out the month. I’m 25 & feel awful. Stressed. I’m having panic attacks. I have a therapist for my own mental. My 8 year old does too & he doesn’t like it. What do people do when they can’t do shit bc they have kids up their butt? Sorry if I’m coming off blunt. I am just so lost as of what the fuck to do. I KNOW I decided to have kids and I got to deal with them. But I am so restricted. I need to work. People are telling me to work from home but I have no money for a laptop. I can’t do over night. And I don’t have friends to ask to babysit 😭😭😭😭 what the helllll do people do!!!!!!! HELP please I need advice. I live in Connecticut NEW HAVEN county .