Do I trust my gut??

My boyfriend and I have been together for a little over 3 years. I have never ever been suspicious about him. I’ve never had any thoughts about where’s he’s going or who he’s with or if he’s cheating.

But for the past month, there’s just this feeling that I can’t shake. Something in me is telling me that something isn’t right

He used to have his snapchat set up to where I can see his location which probably sounds ridiculous and like I stalk him or something but it’s literally just because he never remembers to tell me which towns he’s working in (he works in like 5 different towns each and every day.... and they’re never the same towns) and I just like to have a general idea of where he’s at so that Incase something happens I know where he is (he can see my location too)

But every now and then I would notice that when I would take a look to see what town he was in, his Bitmoji person thing won’t show up. Even though he opened a Snapchat from me from like 2 hours ago. (Snapchat shows someone’s location even as long as 10 hrs ago)

And then randomly it would be turned on again like the next day or something. But now he has had it turned off for like 2-3 weeks which isn’t normal at all. Especially because he would have to manually go into his settings and click that he doesn’t want me seeing his location anymore.

Another thing is that he is never without his phone. Like he has a water proof case so that he can have it in the shower with him so he can watch tiktoks 🙄

I know that a lot of people are against people checking their man’s phones but I feel like that’s the only way that I’m going to get answers. I kinda don’t want to even bring it up to him just yet before checking because what if he lies and then hides it even better? (If he even is cheating obviously)

The problem is that he’s literally never without his phone. Like he eats with it, shits with it, showers with it, and when he sleeps it’s on the night stand next to him.

I tried to take it the other night when he was sleeping but he woke up and I had to pretend I was just grabbing some cough drops out of his bedside table

I hope I don’t sound crazy!! I’m not accusing him of anything.. I’m just starting to notice weird things and it’s giving me a bad gut feeling