What and how to teach a toddler?

Do you think it’s ok to teach ahead of their age? For example, if 2 years old, do you think it’s worth it to teach 3+ year old subjects? Do you think it is helpful or does it have the opposite effect and set them back?

Do you actually teach your kids or do you think kids can pickup what they need to before schooling and be fine/normal?

Do you teach your kids at home or do you rely on daycare, preschool, etc? If you teach your kids at home, what do you use, tv, toys, what tools are actually useful?

Also, parents of children already in school...how did you do it? Did you get the results you were expecting from your approach? Is it beneficial to try to “push” a little so expectations can be established at a really young age so when your child is school aged already wants to work hard for the results to be good?

I’m FTM and just want to make sure my child has the best opportunities in life.