Finally get to post my birth story! *long post*

Annie • Lydia Joan♥️ 7•30•20

My sweet baby Lydia was born Thursday July 30th at 6:56 pm!

She was due august 12th!

Fun fact, my late grandfather (where I get my hair from), his birthday is July 30th too ☺️☺️ I never got to meet him so it’s pretty special they share the same day!

My water broke at 9:15 pm on Wednesday night and I had meconium in the fluid. I called my doctor and because I am group b strep positive they said to come in and make sure it was my water breaking. I called my husband at work, my mom at her house, and our friend to come sit with the doggies.

I meet my husband at the emergency room where they took me to maternity floor to triage around 11:30 pm and confirmed I broke my water and it wasn’t just my mucus plus (when I called my boss, she said bad timing and told me I wasn’t in labor 😒).

They admitted me around midnight and I was at 1 cm and no effacement. They gave me a cervix dilater and my first round of antibiotics for the strep. I quickly went to 3 cm and got an epidural, slept for a little while and when I woke up I got my epidural adjusted because I had bad pain in my back. The anesthesiologists had to come in 3 times because of how much pain I was in and to adjust it. Little did we know it wasn’t the epidural, this little lady was face presentation and stuck behind my pubic bone! I got to 8 cm and stayed there for FOUR hours(!), and I started begging for a c section (which I originally didn’t want), but I was desperate to be away from the sciatica pain!

The doctor came in and agreed the C Section was a good move because of how long I had been at 8 cm and I wasn’t moving along fast enough (baby was having D cells). They gave me a spinal tap in the OR, but it took 6 nurses and 2 anesthesiologists to hold me down and calm down 😂 I was just in soooo much pain!! Pitocin is no joke.

Then at 6:65 pm, my beautiful baby girl was born, 6 pounds 9 ounces 19 inches long! They thought she was huge (over 9 pounds) when they pulled her out but surprise! Just a peanut ♥️

We are recovering nicely and hope to go home tomorrow if not Sunday!!