Baby boy born at 37 weeks


At my 36 week appointment my doctor was out of town so I had to see the other doctor that was present that day. My blood pressure was high but they decided to lay me down and check again while checking for a heart beat. It went down enough so they sent me home.

The week leading up to my 37 week appointment I had done some yard work in the heat. I started to swell very badly, get headaches on and off throughout the day, extreme exhaustion, and my finger tips were kind of numb.

I didn’t want to come off as a crazy first time mom so I found ways to tie it all back to pregnancy.

Well at my 37 week appointment my blood pressure was high again. I thought that they’d lay me down and check again but that’s when my OB walked in and said

“So your blood pressure is higher than we’d like it to be and I’ve found protein in your urine. I’m sending you to labor and delivery.”

I was truly shocked. Didn’t know if I should cry or be excited. I wanted to stay strong but I was chocking on tears being completely unaware of what any of that meant for my son.

You think that her saying that was clear enough that i was having a baby that day but I just kept asking questions. Finally I asked if I could go home and pack a bag first 😅 nope. Grab a car seat? NOPE😅 so we’re having the baby.... like now? YES.

I’m sure she thought I was crazy. Luckily my husband was finally back from work and was able to drive me to this appointment! I called him and told him to meet me on the third floor to register and he thought I was joking!!! I said park your car and get your ass up here! We’re having a baby!!!

I don’t know what it was but I felt an ease take over me and I had no worries, no stress. I was at peace with this.

So I sit and start on paper work and my husband finally makes it up to me. He’s asking so many questions and freaking out. I had to keep telling him to stay calm! At some point I was ready to tell him to shut his mouth🤷🏼‍♀️he was asking questions that had been answered. I forget that this is a life changing moment and a lot to take in unexpectedly.

So once we’re in our room they get me started on cervidil so soften my cervix.

By the time it was taken out I was at a 2.

At 4 am they started me on pitocin and I decided to get my epidural shortly after. I think I could have pushed myself to last longer without it but after listening to some friends and family, my OB, and my own instincts I decided it would be fore the best.

After that it was a waiting game. They continued to monitor my blood pressure and check my cervix. They would move the bed into a chair like position to help me dilate. After that things went quick! They saw I had reached a 6 and decided to lay me back down and use the peanut ball. After 30 mins I was at 9 and they started to prepare the room his delivery.

They told us to be ready, that I would be pushing for two hours. HOWEVER after 30 mins he made his way into this world. Is wasn’t until they put him on my chest and I saw his sweet face that I felt a true connection to him and this overwhelming feeling of live and joy I struggled with this whole pregnancy.

Don’t get me wrong. I loved this boy before and was excited to start a family. I guess it just didn’t fully hit me till then.

We stayed in the hospital for 4 days. He was perfectly healthy and showed no signs of any issues besides his jaundice being on the higher side. My blood pressure is still high and I’m being put on medication but everything else is great. It’s been almost two weeks since he was born and we couldn’t be happier. I won’t lie. These sleepless nights are hard. Even when he sleeps I’m too scared something will happen to him so I stay awake. Hopefully in times I will adjust and trust that it will all be okay.

Welcome little Bellemy Klaus into the world!

6LB and 19INCHES!!!