Joshua Elijah Nunnery

Cookie 💙💛July2020💛💙

I’m about a month late but better late than never....I went in July 6th at 6pm for my induction....they started my cervidil at 6:50pm.....I didn’t really start feeling my contractions until about 3am they gave me something to help until I finally decided I wanted the epidural....about 4 they came in gave me the epidural and removed my cervidil....doc came in to break what was left of my water bag....they tried putting me on pitocin but it made me sick so they stoped it....started my practice pushes about 10 my doctor was getting ready we were laughing about something and before I knew it I literally laughed my baby out....Joshua Elijah Nunnery was born with a head full of hair on July 7th at 10:39am weighing 6lbs 15oz and 19 1/2in long!!!! This is a different type of love💙💙💙💙