My Crazy First Time birth Story, 3 Weeks later...


I woke up 7/6/20 went to take a walk on the bleachers up and down I went lol I went back home where I bounced on my ball a little I was having some light abdominal pain but I kind of brushed it off because I’ve had them on and off days before so it was normal to me until i realized it was happening consistently which usually wasn’t happening so at this point I’m timing it and texting my mom who’s telling me what to look for then she shows up at my door just in case it’s time, so I call my midwife to tell her what’s going on she tells me she wants me to be timing 1 min contractions every 5 minutes for 1 hour so I went to lay down and had my partner do the timing because it was staring to get more painful I didn’t even feel like dealing with all that within A hours timing we got exactly what she said to have so i called back... it was time to head to the hospital! It was almost 12 at night I get there I’m supposed to only be getting checked I had an a appointment a week before where I was dilated at 1 once I was checked I was told I’m at a 7 and they believe they feel my bag but the nurse wasn’t to sure so she got another nurse to come confirm I was definitely at a 7 they were surprised because I came in so calm they said you must have a high pain tolerance because your just chilling! I started to feel sick so they were fumbling getting me a basin I think while trying to hold back and once I released the vomit my water also broke I was a mess ! 😆 I’m like I’m all wet ew they looked oh your water broke... and told me the pain is going to increase from here! Now I want to freak out cause I don’t want to hear that! More pain! so now they are getting ready to wheel me to labor and delivery I get in the whirlpool there for a good 2 hours get back in the bed that is where I stayed for hours ! I didn’t want to move anymore pain was becoming too much I didn’t get a epidural I was becoming frustrated to learn I was still at a 7 still so I asked about other pain meds which was gas or something through the Iv neither of which did much of anything because I still felt everything and gave up on the gas after a few puffs! Cause wasn’t nobody laughing 😆 I kept feeling like I had to push a lot of my contractions even though they told me it wasn’t time I just couldn’t help it I felt like I had no control over that region for whatever reason but fast forward to trying to deliver her I was pushing for almost 4 hours!! 3 hours 40-50 min somewhere around there in every position they had me on all fours , using the squat bar, on my side , and the stirrups thus just wasn’t working out my mom got frustrated for me and said she obviously needs help at this point so someone else was called in to remove her with a vacuum they tried that to realize she was turned sunny side up 😑 it’s too late to try and turn her! So now I’m getting a Episiotomy and heard them call out to someone to open up OR we may need a C-Section her heart rate was dropping I was only given one more chance to really push at that point so I really gave it my all then because I was not trying to get a C-Section I’ve already been through enough I pushed so hard felt like I could’ve popped something but out popped her .... Finally 😫 but she was in shock barely breathing but they got her together and she’s doing just fine 🙏🏾