Wearing a mask when not necessary. Any cons to that?

On a Fb page I saw someone suggesting their kids only get screentime while wearing masks so they get used to it. I have mixed emotions about that.

Yes, current research shows us that we should wear masks in public to prevent the spread of coronavirus. The “benefit” is large. But I’m not sure the “cost” has been studied. We are focused on stopping this virus, and we seemed to have found something that helps a lot with that (which is great). But I’m not sure there’s much research out there about the cons of wearing face masks when it’s not necessary (like when you’re at home).

I feel like wearing a mask when it’s not necessary just isn’t good for you for some reason.

Yes its good when you’re in public, because any amount of “risk” to you is small compared to the benefit to society. But are there any cons to wearing a mask all day (again: when in private/at home). I can’t seem to find any studies on this.

Damn I’m gonna get a dozen eye rolls for this. But is there anyone who understands what I’m saying?? I probably did a crappy job at explaining what I’m asking.