Should I say something or let it go?

A friend of ours posted all over his social media (fb, insta etc.) about going to this dumb ass house party in Nashville with hundreds of people in attendance. It was in local news and such and he is PROUD of being a part of it so he posted pictures and cited several of the new articles about it...just bragging incessantly. What’s worse is that he flew from his home state to another state for a smaller party, then to Tennessee, and then to another state to party more. So this a-hole is going to huge social gatherings, flying around the country, potentially exposing unknowing people if he picked up COVID, and then brags about it publicly.

He and my husband FaceTimed just two weeks ago and caught up, so he KNEW I had to leave my job because I was working with COVID patients. He knew the sacrifices we’ve had to make. On a less selfish level, I can’t even imagine how people who have lost loved ones to this virus feel about this kind of behavior. As an ICU nurse I’m insulted. As a pregnant woman I’m livid. In my pregnant hormone rage I told my husband I wanted to send him a private message and rip him a new one, but my husband told me I need to let it go because some people just won’t care.

It doesn’t help that my best friends dad, who lives in the same state as this a-hole in a memory care facility has just contracted COVID. No outside visitors have been allowed since March, so it had to come in through the staff. Whether that person contracted it through their own negligence or another persons is irrelevant, but it just goes to show that after months of being careful, people are giving up, and it’s affecting vulnerable people.

I feel like I am entitled to speak up and tell this guy how selfish he’s acting. People are dying alone in my ICU, I have had to leave my job long before I planned to take maternity leave, and some 30-something-year-old is posting “f you COVID19” pictures of himself at a house party surrounded by literally a hundred people. For the time being I just blocked him so I won’t see any of his stuff but it’s been a full day since he posted all that crap and I’m still really bothered by it.