I really could use some support.....


I literally just left my old dangerous lifestyle in April as a drug addict in a relationship with a guy who was beating me regularly..... I had sex with him again when I shouldn't have and now I am pregnant. This is my first baby too. Due to leaving the lifestyle I had I cut off literally everyone I was associating with because they are unhealthy for me to be around so I don't have any friends really.... I had a mental breakdown today and I'm just having a really tough time. I'm lonely and sad and my hormones are going absolutely crazy. I managed to work really hard and get my own place through my transition so I'm basically safe but he still shows up sometimes.... 3 days ago he ran into my garage door.... There is a pending case from when he beat me in 2019. He is taking it to trial so he's probably going to prison..... On top of all this I have tested positive for covid-19. So if anyone could give me some encouraging and motivating words I would really appreciate it....