Ectopic Pregnancy Loss


A week ago today I was taken into hospital by ambulance because I was experiencing the most horrific cramps and pains imaginable. I had found out only 3 days before I was pregnant (4-5 weeks), much to my surprise because I didn’t feel pregnant at all! I got a ultrasound scan within an hour or so and they could see something near my right ovary but they needed to perform an internal ultrasound to be sure. The machine wasn’t available at night therefore I had to wait on a ward for an emergency scan the following day (with maximum morphine to deal with the pain). During my internal scan, it was evident that the technician had found something very wrong and within 2 hours I was in surgery. I lost my right tube (and baby) which had ruptured leaving 100-200ml of blood. I was lucky the surgeon acted so fast.

I am healing well but now my thoughts are with conceiving again and possibly future ectopic pregnancies or miscarriages. Any thoughts welcome, I feel lost!