Do you think I have vertigo?


I first experienced this feeling when I was I think 17. I remember feeling dizzy when I woke up and I had to stay upright, if I layed down on my side the dizzy episode would come back. The whole room was spinning. Ironically it burned when i peed during that time so i went to the doctor said I had a uti and prescribed me antibiotics and the dizzyness went away eventually. But he never checked my ears.

I’m now 22 and experiencing this room spinning feeling again, except without the urinary problems. Im dizzy on either side I lay, one side is a little more intense than the other. I’ve been having this feeling since late Saturday night/Sunday morning after drinking too much and having the worst hangover with intense vomiting. I’m not hungover anymore but I still feel dizzy. I can’t sleep flat on my side, I have so many pillows for my head to be elevated.

Is it vertigo? I never had any head trauma so I’m having some doubts. The only thing i could think of that causes this is me playing music on my headphones too loud, but I don’t even use my headphones often. My ears sometimes ring and one of my ears go deaf randomly for a few seconds, it’s not a particular ear.. both of them and that has been going on for years.. Is there a certain doctor I should see? I’m really not wanting to go to any doctor during this whole covid situation. Is there anything I can do at home? I heard there’s some exercises but the thought of having to lay flat on my side kills me☹️