I’m so much happier now that my relationship ended!!

He made me really happy for most of our relationship but there was little things that I had greater issues with than I let myself believe. Now I don’t feel that stress and anxiety on a daily basis anymore. I’m thriving.

I am literally so much more outgoing, happy and extroverted since we broke up even though he encouraged me so much in those things. He was the sweetest and most encouraging boyfriend ever but I really felt like I needed to be on my own for a while and didn’t feel like being in a relationship. The last couple months though were tough and I couldn’t deal with some of the arguments we had been having so I called it quits.

I ran into him the other day and we started talking and he said how he’s been having a really hard time and regrets a lot of stuff. I was honest and told him that I’ve been doing so much better and I could tell he got happy knowing that which just showed that he always wanted the best for me.

I’ve been talking to other guys now, like I probably won’t be dating soon but it’s refreshing talking to new people like that.

I love the extra free time, I love not feeling like I have to include him in everything and I love making my own last minute plans and not having to tell someone. I feel way more confident with my body and everything which is crazy because he always told me I was beautiful and said he loved my body but I always felt like he just “had” to say it even though he said he meant it. His wandering eyes made it really hard to believe.

I’m just so happy - I miss him still of course because it’s only been a month and we inseparable for the 3.5 years we were together and he was definitely my best friend but I’m happy on my own