Piercing Trouble


I had a second lobe piercing put in both of my ears back in early February. It’s now been 7 months, and they’ve been infected almost the entire time I’ve had them. I’ve done everything my piercer has recommended, including sleeping on a neck pillow to avoid irritation, not touching/messing with them at all, and using a hypoallergenic sterile spray on them multiple times a day. They’re still infected and not healing. I changed my earrings back in mid-July (with the approval of my piercer) to a surgical steel earring because we thought maybe I was allergic to the titanium metal she uses in her earrings, but haven’t touched them since. They were still infected when I changed them, and have continued to be infected ever since. Do any of you have any advice on what I can do to avoid taking them out and letting the hole fill in?