Mental health & safe pregnancy


*Deep breath* So I’ve been on a handful of mental health medications for some time, especially after my first son bc I had really terrible PPD that made me struggle with ever wanting another child, but the meds helped greatly and here I am pregnant with #2. The issue is that the medications I’ve been on aren’t 100% safe for pregnancy, Wellbutrin, lamictal (the only one that is okay but didn’t work well on its own) Xanax & prazosin for nightmares.. while TTC I cut my dosage of Wellbutrin down and as soon as I got a positive test I stopped everything completely, besides the occasional small dose of Xanax from sheer panic. I need to add here that I’ve only taken that because in my first pregnancy my doctor said in low doses it was safer than the adrenaline from constant panic. I’m not doing well already and I’m only 1 month in. Only 2 weeks off meds.. I don’t know what to do, my emotions are all over the map from hormones from pregnancy and on top of that my actual mental health issues are heightened and I think I’m having sort of withdrawals. My psych doctor doesn’t talk between appointments and I don’t see him until Sep, and I haven’t had my first OBGYN appointment for this baby yet so I haven’t even been able to talk about it with that doctor. Has anyone else been on any of these meds and has your pregnancy and baby been ok? I’m terrified, I can’t deal day to day and I have a toddler that needs a good & happy mom too. I go from sad to crying to snappy and rage to fine and there’s no in between. The calmest of all the emotions is just straight depressed and that’s gruesome as well. I’m really scared too that this will effect what happens postpartum bc I don’t ever want to struggle with PPD again, it lasted an entire year & made me gain 85 lbs, even contemplated suicide. I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy. I need the panic attacks to stop and I need to be able to cope with my daily life :( this is the worst so far.. it’s even gotten to the point where I’m like “can I even be pregnant right now? Should I have an abortion? Should this not happen??” Which is something I would NEVER do in my right state of mind.

If any ladies out there have experience with this please let me know. I would be so grateful.