Help my bffs daughter is mean to my son

maggie • August 15 | Nolan Ryder | FTM

Guys I’m so torn. My bestest friend in the world— her daughter (2years old) is so mean to my baby (11 months). She usually takes things away from him or hits him with toys— and I feel so bad for my baby. My gf usually says “allie, no!” “Be nice” but that’s about it.

Well today her daughter (all with in 5 mins) drew on my babies face with chalk. (I put the chalk away) then I turn around and she hits him with a stick. And my gf was like “Allie be nice” and I said “Allie! We do not be mean to our friends, he is a baby, you’re a big girl be nice!” And then she turns around and rips his toy away and runs off.

And I picked my baby up &

my gf was like put him down he’s fine!

I said- he’s not fine. I don’t want him playing with mean kids, it’s not right.

Her- she’s only 2 theresnot much I can do she doesn’t know better. I’m sorry.

Me- we’ll I am tired of him being picked on, I’m not putting him back down.

So my baby and I were playing for a minute with his walker & she comes over and rips it out of his hand.

Guys I love my gf. She and i were really close. But I don’t know how to talk about it with her bc I don’t think she will correct her.

What do I say?

Is she to young to learn to play nice??

I’m so torn.