Thyroid nodules

Tatum, Zora & Amara`s Muva 🌹 • 26|Navy Wife| Mommy.

So since i lost my baby in april ive been having bad anxiety...after countless trips to the ER and doctors appointments it all came down to my thyroid being over active. I had blood work done 2 weeks ago and it was at a 3.8 so its trying to level itself out but my ultrasound showed nodules. Im suppose to have a biopsy done tomorrow but they canceled because they were going to be short of staff so i have to wait until next Friday. I've been having cold symptoms and it feels like a ball is in my throat when i swallow...i also experience brain fog and fatigue and im not as hungry as i normally would be so j lost some pounds in a week...has anybody gone through this or can shine some light on the has been hell on wheels sinze j lost my baby ag 19 weeks in april and its making me not want to ever get pregnant again...Im ready to get my thyroid removed at this point because its making me feel so crazy and i also battle depersonlization and dissociation daily..i take .5mg of ativan for that.