September baby became June baby 💙

Latesha • Wife. Mom to 2 angels 👼🏽👼🏽.💙NICU BOY MOM💙6.14.20

I will try to make my birth story post as short and simple as possible bc I went through ALOT. On June 10 I went in for a normal prenatal visit. When the tech checked my cervix I knew by her facial expression something didn’t look good. I said, “is my cervix opening?” She quietly said yes. When the doctor came in, she told me I was about 2 cm dilated and my baby was breach. She told me I had to be admitted to hospital right then. So I drove next door to the hospital and got admitted. While in the hospital they tried their best to keep me from going into labor. But on June 14 there was no stopping him. I started have contractions (I was thinking it was just trapped gas🥴😩) and I was 4 cm. At that point I had to make a decision on whether I would deliver him vaginally or by csection. Vaginally, they told me I would risk his head getting stuck and they would have to cut my cervix to get him out (remember he was still breach). If I chose c-section any future pregnancies would be at risk. Since I was only 25+6 they would have to cut me twice, horizontally and vertically to get him out. By doing that they told me if I were to get pregnant again, it may cause problems if the baby attached to the scar tissue. I chose csection bc I felt that would be the best way for me to deliver him without harm. At that moment I was just worried about my baby and I wanted the best for him. He is my rainbow after two previous losses. So they got me prepped and ready for my csection. I got my epidural and I was amazed at how fast it worked. I’m not sure how much time passed but all I could think about is if my baby was going to come out alive. Then I heard the faintest cry 🥺😩. My son was born 6/14/20 at 12:18pm weighing 1lb. 10oz. His original due date was 9/21/20. But let me tell y’all, preemies are the strongest little humans ever!! My baby is a fighter and he is doing great!! Despite all the things he had to face. I am a proud NICU mom to the most handsome little boy. He is currently 3lbs 4.4oz!