Throwing up after taking the pill!

July 25th I took my pill around 11:45pm, about an hour later than I usually do. My friends and I were drinking and I ended up getting sick that night like 2 hours later (around 1:30-1:45am, not sure the exact time). I was fine shortly after.

My boyfriend and I had sex but we used a condom (although I’m not sure if we used it properly, we were both drunk). I didn’t realize that the pill could have not absorbed properly before I got sick until later in the week. I took all my other pills on time and I haven’t missed a pill any other time in my pack.

I know since we used a condom I should be okay, but I am only asking because I don’t remember since it was over a week ago and want to make sure I’m still protected. I’ve read on some articles that missing one pill is “okay” as long as you take everything else on time; other articles say to use back up protection for 7 days. My pamphlet said to double up the next day, but I didn’t take an extra pill on the 26th because I didn’t realize the pill probably didn’t absorb properly until later.