Depression or doesn’t want me

My bf says he loves me and tells me he wants me but it doesn’t feel like he does. He feels depressed. Normally it’s ups and downs but recently it’s been mostly downs. He refuses to get help no matter how much I try to convince him. He started pushing me away. He gets mad when he’s down and sometimes takes his anger out on me or just ignores me all together. We used to talk everyday all the time. Just last weekend we were at the cottage and it was fine. He tells me he wants space to figure out his head and what he wants. He tells me he feels like a bad bf and can’t be there for me the way I am for him.He says it’s not me and it’s about how he’s feeling depressed but I feel like it has to do with his feelings for me. If he loves me why does he not communicate? If he loves me why can’t he even snap me or call? It feels like he just doesn’t want to be w me and he’s only pushing me away yet says he does want to be w me but his head isn’t right. So now we’re aren’t rlly together cause he needs time. I’m 18 and been w him 3 years. Im scared he’s using this as an excuse to end things w me. I’m heart broken.