Should I try for Vbac after cesarian?

Hello all 👋🏼

I just wanted to get your opinion on my little journey and any advice would help as well..

So my husband and I are expecting our 2nd bundle of joy late Sept.

But here's the main concern we're worried about!

I've had my son last year on June. 7th via emergency C-section...

That wasn't my plan at all and honestly my birth plan went to complete shit 💔 it's a long story..

My boy is now 1 year and 2 months it wasn't my plan to get pregnant so early after having him but stuff happened the birth control I was on made me really sick I stopped taking it and BAM! here we are since I didn't get to the Dr fast enough to switch to a different method 😏 im at complete fault for it....

So should I try and go for VBAC when my due date comes around? Or should we go through a c section again?

I would love to avoid c section due to recovery time being so long.... But your honest thoughts please! My DR supports me in trying for VBAC as long as everything is good. I just don't know.. I need advice, has anyone been in my shoes? Thanks in advance!

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