Never do this but need help

I need to know if anyone else had this problem and/or has a solution. Here’s the problem.

I had my first child 14 months ago. Took us about 3 months of actively trying to conceive. (He is such a beautiful happy boy too happy to report.) I breastfed for 6months that ended in December. January I had my first period but nothing since then. I’ve been to my doctors and all she said was to lose about 10+ lbs and it should start again but I did that and nothing. I’ve taken multiple pregnancy test (including today) and all negative. My husband and I would like to start for another child but without knowing my cycle it makes things very difficult. As much as I’ve enjoyed not having my period it’s getting annoying now. Some background: I wasn’t always regular and sometimes could go a month or two without it. My estrogen levels are usually a little higher than normal too. We really want to have another baby so please help if you can.

Thank you!