36 weeks pregnant after miscarriage and birth of twins.

Bethany • Happily Married💍👫. First baby is in heaven👼. Momma to 2 boys 🧒🧒. Pregnant🤰with baby girl 👶.

I am so excited to meet my little girl. We still haven't picked her name yet but everything else is ready for her to make her appearance. We have our birth plan set. This time around we have decided to have a home birth with a midwife. Our reason being Covid. My husband and I have discussed this and we came to an agreement. We want to be in the comfort of our home and not risk putting me, our daughter and our family in danger because of this pandemic. As of today I am 36 weeks exactly. My little girl is measuring smaller than my Boys did in my previous pregnancy and she's higher than her brother's were but she is otherwise perfectly healthy. My family and I are really excited for this girl's arrival. Here's a picture of my growing bump.

Don't mind my apron. My one sister-in-law and all of our kids and myself were prepping meals for after my little girl arrives. Our freezer is stocked up and I'm grateful for her. She drove herself and her children an hour to my house to help me get ready for baby girl and we had a great time together like we always do and my boys had fun with their cousins.

We got a lot of work done for baby girl yesterday and I have been typing a baby journal on Google docs for my little girl so that when she's older she can read it and reflect on her life before she was born. I'm not sure if I will continue it after she's born but we'll see.