Is he right or toxic?

I was talking to a guy for a couple of months and he decided he wasn't ready for a relationship. I decided to leave and he then got upset and said he doesn't understand why I am leaving and if what we have isn't good enough. He also told me that I made him realise that we are all indispensable and no matter how much you love a person, they will always leave. I told him that I want something more serious and I'm not settling. He then said that no matter how much you give a woman, no matter how much you love or care for her, if she doesn't get what she wants (committment), then it is never enough. He also threw somethings back into my face about our friendship and our time together when we were on the phone. He also told me to keep my energy since I left him 🥴

I understand that he wasnt ready for a relationship and I respect that. What has me bothered are the things he said and when he threw things back in my face. I realised that I actually dodged a bullet given his behaviour but I still can't help but feel bad and somewhat sad. It was almost as he being manipulative/toxic or was he right in what he said?