He’s talking about me because we hooked up on the first time hanging out 🙄

I’m so tired of this shit! Not that it matters, but my body count is 4. This guy knows a decent amount of my history but still said he’s a “little judgemental” bc I slept with him so fast. First of all, I’m not looking for a serious relationship or planning on marrying the guy. Maybe if I was, I would wait and do things the ethically “right” way. But HELLO it takes two people to make it happen. And secondly, if I’m sexually attracted to someone, they will know. I do what I want to do at the end of the day. It’s empowering. I felt like I was ready and I don’t regret it. He’s definitely a typical f*ckboy, so I’m not getting invested or too deep, but I kinda want to beat him at his own game. Any ideas how?